ÇáÓÈÊ 2007-06-09 11:59:50 ÊÍÏíË ãÄÓÓÇÊí
Arab bank opens new branches in Homs, Tartous


The Arab Bank- Syria ‘s branch opens today, Saturday, two new branches in Homs and Tartous, added to other two  branches in Damascus and Aleppo. 

Bank sources said the inauguration of the two new branches has come in the course of the Bank ‘s set policy to have a presence  in all Syrian governorates, following  the encouraging results  achieved by the bank in the first year since  the beginning  of its activities in Syria.

The sources added that in line with its set strategy to provide advanced  banking services,  efforts are underway to launch a new banking policy in the Bank ‘s various branches in Syria  .

The sources continued  that the bank also prepare to double its capital so as to reach 3 billion Syrian Pounds , adding that necessary administrative measures were completed to this effect.

Worthy  mentioning that the Arab Bank started its operations in the country by the beginning of 2006 at a capital of 1.5 billion (SP). It is co- shared by the Arab Bank group-Jordan at 49% against 51% owned by Syrian individuals .

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